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Kamila Kozakovičová

Test Design Techniques

Learn advanced test design techniques and their use in practice

Test Design Techniques

LanguageCZ Duration of the course1 day (from 09:00 to 17:00) LevelBasic PlaceOn-site

Why attend the course?

The goal of this one-day course is to familiarize participants with advanced test design techniques and test them on practical examples. Practical exercises are mainly focused on testing input combinations, respectively on testing a large number of inputs using various methods and tools. You will learn what tools to use for specific cases and how to create an effective set of tests based on the results obtained.

First, you will get acquainted with:

  • Testing input combinations and testing a large number of inputs
  • Techniques and tools for combinatorial testing
  • Basic techniques such as equivalence classes, boundary value analysis, decision tables and state diagram and their role in combinatorial testing

You will then learn what tools to use for specific cases and how to create an effective set of tests based on the results obtained. You will try out individual techniques and their combinations to achieve maximum efficiency of the created test kits.

Key Takeaways

  • How to test input combinations

  • How to choose suitable combinations for a large number of inputs

  • How to use even basic test design techniques for more complex test design

  • What specific tools are used for combinatorial testing

  • How to use advanced test analysis techniques in practice

Key Topics

  • Advanced test analysis and advanced test design techniques

  • Combinatorics and Combinatorial Testing

  • Test design techniques:

    - N-way testing (Pairwise, Orthogonal Arrays, Covering Arrays)

    - Test parametres analysis (Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Partitioning)

    - Classification tree

    - Decision table

    - State transition


  • We recommend at least one year of experience in test analysis

  • Attending the Test Analysis in Practice course is an advantage

  • Strongly recommended: ISTQB Foundation Level or knowledge of basic test design techniques
  • Laptop


Sandra Klašková

Sandra Klašková

Test Manager

What I value most about Tesena is that it has always been pro-employee because the owners know that a satisfied employee performs better. Thanks to this, we can learn, grow, we have a great team, and I know I don't have to be afraid to voice my opinion. I haven't encountered this kind of approach anywhere else :-).
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Kamila Kozakovičová

Kamila Kozakovičová

Test Analyst

What I enjoy about working at Tesena is the variety of work, the opportunities, the people and the support we have here. I can't imagine being anywhere else or with different people now.
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What did attendees say about the course?

"Tohle školení jsem absolvoval jako tester s minimální zkušeností s test analýzou. Získal jsem ucelený základ znalostí a dovedností v oblasti test analýzy, na který se budu moct spolehnout v praxi. Teoretické bloky prezentovala zkušená test analytička srozumitelně, přehledně a poutavě díky tipům z praxe. Teorie se střídala s praktickými cvičeními, takže jsem nově nabité teoretické znalosti mohl hned podrobit zkoušce. Školení doporučuji všem, kteří potřebují získat základní znalosti test analýzy a chtějí být schopni je použít v praxi."

- Jakub Navrátil

„S test analýzou jsem již nějaké zkušenosti měla, ale pořád mě trápil pocit, že něco dělám špatně. Školení Test analýza v praxi mi pomohlo srovnat si v hlavě, jak testing funguje celkově - od typu projektu až po úrovně test analýzy. Kurz obsahoval všechny důležité body a myslím, že by ho měl absolvovat každý tester, ještě než začne pracovat.“

- Ivanna Novotná

Upcoming dates

25. 3. 2025 Prague 9 CZ Test Design Techniques

Kamila Kozakovičová

320 EUR

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